Step back in the new lean in
In early 2020, Guardian journalist Michele L. Norris coined the phrase ‘Step back in the new lean in’ on the back of “the words used by Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, to announce their resignation from the business of full royal duties.
She went on to say ‘Although it has the sound of retreat, its meaning is not the same. It says, “I am going to assess the landscape and figure out how to move forward on my own terms — or figure out whether the prescribed path is even the best fit.”
The fact is that assessing the landscape seems to be the one thing we ALL need to do in 2020. We’re living in unprecedented times - where climate change is impacting our environment profoundly and scarily (especially for those of us who lived through the 2019/20 bushfires in Australia), political division is driving wedges in society, social media negativity is breaking up our moral fibre and leadership .. well, there isn’t any worth calling out.
Critical thinkers have been overstepped by mass sheeples. Greed is driving roughshod over morality. ‘All about me’ is the overwhelming mantra in the social sphere.
Yet there is a growing collective - action groups, movements, commissions and individuals that are calling for more justice, self responsibility and honour in how we treat ourselves, our loved ones, our staff, our business, our community and our environment.
There is wisdom in taking the time to critically think through what our world needs to do, and what we individually need to do to hasten responsibility, stewardship and integrity when it comes to our personal lives, our choices, our roles, our environment, our future and that of our children's, our reputations and our legacies.
We need to see, like Michele L. Norris says, that the ‘the Earth slipping a little off its axis to allow for men and women everywhere to reassess their lives and perhaps listen to the little voice inside that says, “You know, this isn’t working for me.”
For us. For we. For our brands. For our businesses. For our future.
Assessing what’s not working is studying yourself closely to understand what habits, choices, language and mindset you’re operating on and what emotion and desire is driving it. If it’s negative and based on fear, you’ll need to consider excising it.
However, let’s not stop at what’s not working. Because to do that would be to kickstart an inevitable slide into despair.
We need to then ask, what will I do about it? How can I, as a person, business steward (because I’ve tossed the word ‘leader’ away) and brand owner, step back, do your critical thinking and then …step up.
Step up and own your actions.
Step up and own your words.
Step up and own your creativity.
Step up and own your talent.
Step up and own your choices.
Step up and own your stewardship.
Step up and own your attitude.
Step up and own your character.
Step up and own your empathy.
Step up and own your social conscience.
Step up and own your humanitarianism.
Step up and own your brand.
Step up and own your reputation.
Step up and own your legacy.