When you feel a million miles away from your destiny


There comes a seminal moment in every one’s life where they feel like they’ve lost their way. That the vision they held about themselves, their business or brand has somehow slipped away.

It’s either disappeared into ether or been broken into pieces. Shattered, or flailing around with a lack of direction, focus or enthusiasm.

The result can be disappointment; which simply translates into a sense that you’ve missed your destined appointment or point in life.

2020 is one year where many brands and businesses are feeling the full brunt of disappointment. Social distancing has led to business closure, staff layoffs and an economic downturn no-one saw coming. We’re angry, confused and upset at what we couldn’t have anticipated.

Many who found their meaning in their work and career, now find themselves lost in uncertainty and the ground hog day churn of iso-2020.

Yet in the midst of crisis is when we need most is our sense of meaning. A sense that we still do matter and can make a difference. We need to know we’re still valuable - whether you’re a business owner, entrepreneur or brand, and that what we have to offer still means something.

The numerous voices on Tik Tok, Instagram and Facebook are in some way still trying to prove their relevance - and kudos to those who are uplifting us as they do. However it’s very easy in this season to search for your sense of worth in the wrong place.

In attention seeking stunts, or verbose attempts at giving people life advice or worse still, at pushing people to be productive when they feel the least so.

Yet in a world where so many base their value and importance on what they do, how many clients they have, who they know, how much profit they made, how they look and their job title, the temptation is to seek meaning yet again in what propped you up in the past.

But the kicker is this - the past is gone. The past - where the formerly firm foundations of profit, greed, money and influence defined success - is no longer a rock of all ages reality.

We’re living a new normal.

A new normal where the needs of the many - the less privileged among us - are being sharply highlighted.

A new normal, a day to day destiny - from personal to business - which is a step away away from seeking approval of others, and towards serving the needs of others.

Covid 19 is showing us up, and the failure of our previously held strongholds on protecting our health, economy and future - especially for those with so little in their hands.

The heroes of 2020 are not big banks, famous actors, prominent presidents or corporate leaders. They’re nurses, doctors, ambulance drivers, shop attendants and hospital cleaners who are risking their lives so we can keep on living another day.

They’re showing us that our destiny might not be as far off as we think it is. It is found in loving others, in caring, in sharing, in healing each other as we walk through the fog ahead.

It is found in serving others in the here and now - today.

Tomorrow’s destiny will take care of itself.